
Webinar Signup Mandarin



1/24美东时间 8:30pm


  • 有很多高净值、高收入人士没能充分保护自己辛苦打拼下来的资产——这是很遗憾的事情——让我们避免自己遇到这个问题吧。


  • 一旦过世,毕生打拼下的资产都可能被政府或其他机构拿走。为了避免这种情况的发生,我们必须积极采取行动保护自己的资产,让它们可以为我们爱的人服务。


  • 如果我们毕生辛苦打拼的资产不能留给我们关心的亲朋好友,反而被政府或其他机构拿走必然是一件很遗憾的事情,所以让我们行动起来,做好自己的财产规划,把财产留给我们爱的人!

Meet Your Host

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Holly Geerdes

Founding Attorney

Holly Geerdes has established herself as one of the premier trial and asset protection attorneys in the United States. Due to her experience and expertise, Attorney Geerdes also has extensive management and leadership experience in coordinating state-wide projects for professional legal development related to improving the caliber of attorneys, having trained everyone from novice attorneys to veteran judges on legal practice and the law. Her highly successful legal career in the state governments also enabled her to develop and maintain close ties with both the local State Legislatures and the State Bars to oversee and litigate the most important legal issues pending in the United States and the local States. Attorney Geerdes is now one of the most sought after attorneys to train lawyers across the United States in the area of estate planning, elder law, and asset protection, supervising over 50 attorneys in the United States who specialize in the complex area of asset protection.



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