Proactively Plan for the Unexpected
Estate Law Center we realize that planning for unexpected alterations in your life goes beyond simple estate planning documents. We also know that it is hard to think about significant changes in your life, especially death or illness. While it may be painful to sit down and talk about how you would want to handle your company affairs in the event of a tragedy, as a business owner, you are likely aware of how important this type of planning is.
Estate Law Center we help our clients determine if they qualify for Medicaid to help finance your care. If you or someone you love has recently been affected by a serious illness or injured in an accident, it is important that you act quickly to find care and plan for Medicaid.
Protecting the Future of Your Business & Assets
You’ve put years of work into creating a successful company and the last thing you want is a lack of preparation to lead to loss of assets. We strive to ensure your business is not put at risk by establishing a thorough action plan, also known as a business succession plan, to protect you. Whether you have concerns about illness, death, retirement, or unexpected chaos within your organization, we can help.

Contact our Business succession planning attorneys at (770) 212-2181 to schedule a free consultation.
A proper business succession plan covers a number of different elements, including:
- Identifying your individual objectives and goals
- Identifying potential risks and pitfalls
- Naming a worthy successor
- Putting an asset protection plan in place
- Naming a possible heir in the event of death
Business Succession for Family Companies & Inheritances
One of the most common questions we are asked in regards to business succession is how to properly plan and protect family businesses. Whether you want to leave your business behind to your children or grandchildren or want to have business assets managed by someone outside of the family, we can help. Our goal is to assist you and your family in avoiding as many problems and possible and assist with any transitioning.
Are you interested in taking proactive steps with one of our Estate planning lawyers? Give us a call today at (770) 212-2181.

The Importance of Estate Planning for a Smooth Transition